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Lipschitz Family History
Lipschitz Genealogy & Family TreeLipschitz is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Lipschitz Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Myra Lipschitz -- --, 1914 December 10, 1998
- Reyza Rosa Rosie Lipschitz -- --, 1839 July 28, 1919 Kauno
- Hyman Lipschitz -- --, 1888 March 0, 1974
- Golda Lipschitz -- --, 1900 December 0, 1987
- Hildred (Hilda) Lipschitz -- --, 1891 December 0, 1949
Lipschitz Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Mark (Gerszek Motek) Lipschitz -- --, 1871
- Jennie Lipschitz -- --, 1875 April 29, 1943
- Fanny Lipschitz -- --, 1886 September 0, 1961
- Lisa EMPTYNUL Lipschitz Emptynul
- Helen Lipschitz -- --, 1914 December 0, 1960 Illinois
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