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Lundgreen Family History
Lundgreen Genealogy & Family TreeLundgreen is ranked as the 25,364th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Lundgreen Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Peter Bendix Lundgreen -- --, 1805 September 30, 1850
- Waldemar Oscar Lundgreen -- --, 1892 September 14, 1957 Utah
- Andrea Martin Lundgreen -- --, 1858 December 0, 1868
- Waldemar (Walter) Oscar Lundgreen -- --, 1892 September 14, 1957 Utah
- Peter Emelius Lundgreen -- --, 1852 August 1, 1918
Lundgreen Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Vern L. Lundgreen -- --, 1936 June 6, 1937 Utah
- Emett Lundgreen -- --, 1922 June 16, 1924 Utah
- Frits George Lundgreen -- --, 1861 August 11, 1924
- Emile Lundgreen -- --, 1813 August 6, 1904
- Jochum Frederik Lundgreen -- --, 1845 December 0, 1918
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