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Narrin Family History
Narrin Genealogy & Family TreeNarrin is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Narrin Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Jeremiah Narrin -- --, 1838 November 23, 1898 New York
- Jeremiah Narrin -- --, 1838 November 23, 1898 New York
- Joseph W Narrin -- --, 1907 May 26, 1981 Michigan
- John Narrin -- --, 1873 November 23, 1946 Michigan
- George W Narrin -- --, 1843 April 25, 1919 Michigan
Narrin Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- William Jacob Lusk Narrin -- --, 1811 May 14, 1879 New York
- Dewitt Clinton Narrin -- --, 1818 September 24, 1881 New York
- William Jacob Lusk Narrin -- --, 1811 May 14, 1879 New York
- Dewitt Clinton Narrin -- --, 1818 September 24, 1881 New York
- George W Narrin -- --, 1843 April 25, 1919 Michigan