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Nasadyk Family History
Nasadyk Genealogy & Family TreeNasadyk is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Nasadyk Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- John Nasadyk -- --, 1875 May 24, 1969
- Mike Nasadyk -- --, 1918 December 0, 1925 Alberta
- Alexander Nasadyk -- --, 1884 December 11, 1948
- Olga Nasadyk -- --, 1922 March 29, 1967 Alberta
- George Nasadyk -- --, 1888 September 11, 1978
Nasadyk Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Daniel Mathew Nasadyk -- --, 1917 June 0, 2001 Alberta
- William Nasadyk -- --, 1909 June 23, 2000 Manitoba
- Alice Georgina Nasadyk -- --, 1944 April 4, 2002 Alberta
- Bryon Nasadyk -- --, 1942 April 18, 2002 Alberta
- George Nicholas Nasadyk -- --, 1917 May 20, 1948 Alberta