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Neuhart Family History
Neuhart Genealogy & Family TreeNeuhart is ranked as the 35,121st most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Neuhart Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Juliana Neuhart -- --, 1718 February 25, 1760
- Margaret Neuhart -- --, 1699 January 15, 1699
- Philip Neuhart -- --, 1815 December 0, 1860 Ohio
- Maria Barbara Neuhart -- --, 1697 October 29, 1773
- Wilhelm Neuhart -- --, 1841 January 9, 1920 Bayern
Neuhart Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Bu Neuhart -- --, 1633 December 0, 1636 Bayern
- David Neuhart -- --, 1719 December 22, 1785
- Anna Barbara Maria Neuhart -- --, 1726 February 24, 1794
- Elisabetha Margaretha Neuhart -- --, 1806 January 9, 1829 Bayern
- Henry Neuhart -- --, 1785 December 0, 1960 Nebraska
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