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Nida Family History
Nida Genealogy & Family TreeNida is ranked as the 15,723rd most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 2,500.
Nida Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Jacob Nida -- --, 1748 August 0, 1850
- Tilithia Cumi Nida -- --, 1844 March 8, 1927 Virginia
- Melissa Isabelle (Id) Nida -- --, 1865 December 0, 1893 Ohio
- Catherine Ann Nida -- --, 1814 December 0, 1851 Virginia
- Anna Nida -- --, 1829 December 0, 1865 Virginia
Nida Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Mary Nida -- --, 1750 December 0, 1807 Maryland
- Johann David Nida -- --, 1748 December 0, 1825
- Henry Nida -- --, 1812 December 0, 1861 Virginia
- Elizabeth EMPTYNUL Nida -- --, 1819 July 15, 1865 Virginia
- Abraham EMPTYNUL Nida -- --, 1767 December 0, 1847 Virginia
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