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Nixon or nickson Family History
Nixon or nickson Genealogy & Family TreeNixon or nickson is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
Nixon or nickson
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Nixon or nickson Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- John Or Johes Nixon or Nickson -- --, 1638 July 13, 1686 Cheshire
- Joshua Nixon or Nickson -- --, 1680 December 0, 1755 Cheshire
- William Nixon or Nickson -- --, 1732 January 28, 1775 Stafford
- Josshua Or Joshua Nixon or Nickson -- --, 1701 November 11, 1716 Stafford
- Thomas Nixon or Nickson -- --, 1725 January 28, 1775 Stafford
Nixon or nickson Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- George Nixon or Nickson -- --, 1675 November 1, 1743 Cheshire
- Hugh Nixon or Nickson -- --, 1665 February 15, 1699 Cheshire
- Ann Nixon or Nickson -- --, 1722 January 28, 1775 Stafford
- Daniel Nixon or Nickson -- --, 1728 June 6, 1729 Stafford
- John Nixon or Nickson -- --, 1605 December 26, 1678 Cheshire