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Norquay Family History
Norquay Genealogy & Family TreeNorquay is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Norquay Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Alexander Norquay -- --, 1867 April 28, 1939 Manitoba
- Isabel Jessie Norquay -- --, 1906 December 0, 1997
- Mary Emily Norquay -- --, 1894 October 27, 1949 Manitoba
- Lawrence Percival Norquay -- --, 1886 December 17, 1948 Manitoba
- Henry (1) Norquay -- --, 1810 May 25, 1874
Norquay Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Ann Nancy Norquay -- --, 1846 August 30, 1932
- Andrew Thomas Norquay -- --, 1872 April 6, 1932 Manitoba
- Mary EMPTYNUL Norquay -- --, 1904 Manitoba
- Annie Rae Norquay -- --, 1851 April 18, 1941 Montana
- Thomas Norquay -- --, 1863 December 0, 1891
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