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Nuhn Family History
Nuhn Genealogy & Family TreeNuhn is ranked as the 55,182nd most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
Nuhn Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- George Christian Nuhn -- --, 1890 December 13, 1983 California
- Matilda M Nuhn -- --, 1883 April 12, 1963
- Johann Valentin Nuhn -- --, 1756 October 24, 1824
- Otto Nuhn -- --, 1885
- Konrad Nuhn October 6, 1738
Nuhn Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Amilia (Emma) Nuhn -- --, 1876 March 14, 1930 Ontario
- Michael EMPTYNUL Nuhn Emptynul
- Marietta Eleanor Nuhn -- --, 1925 December 7, 1997 Virginia
- Donna Nuhn -- --, 1922 October 29, 1986 Utah
- M. EMPTYNUL Nuhn Emptynul
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