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Nunneley Family History
Nunneley Genealogy & Family TreeNunneley is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Nunneley Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- James DeMarcus Lafayette Nunneley -- --, 1826 September 3, 1876 Tennessee
- Greenberry C. Nunneley -- --, 1815 December 0, 1874 Tennessee
- Thomas Nunneley -- --, 1813 July 4, 1866 North Carolina
- John P. (Rather) Nunneley -- --, 1816 July 8, 1892 Kentucky
- Henry Nunneley -- --, 1731 December 0, 1832 Virginia
Nunneley Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Margaret Ann L. Nunneley -- --, 1875 July 3, 1967 Tennessee
- Claudia Nunneley -- --, 1918 October 4, 2005 California
- William Nunneley -- --, 1780 December 0, 1859 North Carolina
- Frances Nunneley -- --, 1823 April 12, 1893 North Carolina
- William B. Nunneley May 26, 1866 Alabama
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