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Nyahay Family History
Nyahay Genealogy & Family TreeNyahay is ranked as the 80,410th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Nyahay Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- John Nyahay -- --, 1904 July 5, 1978
- Mary Nyahay -- --, 1886 February 1, 1934
- Richard Edward Nyahay -- --, 1934 March 18, 1995 New York
- Joannes Nyahay -- --, 1891 July 24, 1960 Saris
- Catharina Nyahay -- --, 1891 December 0, 1972
Nyahay Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Anna Barbara Nyahay -- --, 1875 October 24, 1954 Saris
- Vincent Emil Nyahay -- --, 1931 October 18, 1932 New York
- Susan Nyahay -- --, 1906 New York
- Joseph Alexander Nyahay -- --, 1880 August 14, 1926 Saris
- Peter Wayne Nyahay -- --, 1951 April 15, 1995 New York