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Osbun Family History
Osbun Genealogy & Family TreeOsbun is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
Osbun Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- William Osbun -- --, 1777 June 20, 1841 North Carolina
- Samuel D. Osbun -- --, 1832 September 11, 1859 Ohio
- Jennifer Osbun -- --, 1877 June 26, 1917 Ohio
- Martha Osbun -- --, 1795 April 0, 1857 Ohio
- Nathaniel A Osbun -- --, 1770 June 16, 1846 Pennsylvania
Osbun Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Samuel Osbun -- --, 1846 May 17, 1915 Indiana
- Nathaniel A. Osbun -- --, 1770 June 16, 1846
- John Osbun -- --, 1760 December 0, 1820 North Carolina
- Abraham K. Osbun -- --, 1781 North Carolina
- Permille J Osbun -- --, 1863 November 7, 1925 Indiana
Celebrities related to this last name
- Kiefer William Frederick Dempsey George Rufus /Sutherland/
- Josephine M. "Mona" /Workman "Darkfeather"/
- Barack Hussein /Obama/ Ii; President
- Michael Philip "Mick" /Jagger/
- John /Adams/ President
- Charles John Huffam /Dickens/
- Michelle Pfeiffer
- Kenneth Arnold "Kenny" /Chesney/
- Malcom John /Taylor "McDowell"/
- James Francis /Cameron/