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Pedelty Family History
Pedelty Genealogy & Family TreePedelty is ranked as the 69,237th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
View the Pedelty family tree
Pedelty Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Eva Pedelty -- --, 1881 Wisconsin
- Alva Pedelty -- --, 1872 Wisconsin
- Peter S. Pedelty -- --, 1812 November 3, 1867
- Ella Pedelty -- --, 1886 Wisconsin
- Joseph Pedelty -- --, 1808 January 22, 1889
Pedelty Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Peter S. Pedelty -- --, 1812 November 3, 1867
- William Pedelty -- --, 1817 February 11, 1891
- Elizabeth Pedelty -- --, 1814 November 21, 1851
- Jane Pedelty -- --, 1816 July 20, 1883
- John Pedelty -- --, 1785 December 0, 1860
Celebrities related to this last name
- Franklin Delano /Roosevelt/ President
- Lee Majors
- Chloƫ Grace "Chloe" /Moretz/
- Muhammad /Ali/
- Josephine M. "Mona" /Workman "Darkfeather"/
- Kiefer William Frederick Dempsey George Rufus /Sutherland/
- Ashlee Nicole /Simpson/
- William "Bill" /Bythe "Clinton"/ President
- Lance Edward "Lance" /Gunderson "Armstrong"/
- Mary Nell /Steenburgen/