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Singhass Family History
Singhass Genealogy & Family TreeSinghass is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Singhass Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- James Andrew Singhass -- --, 1828 July 7, 1861 Virginia
- Elizabeth Singhass -- --, 1785 March 1, 1815 Virginia
- Margaret Catherine Singhass -- --, 1838 December 0, 1912 Virginia
- John Henry Singhass -- --, 1833 January 28, 1864 Virginia
- Henry Singhass -- --, 1774 June 15, 1824
Singhass Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Christian Singhass -- --, 1797 February 2, 1854 Virginia
- Mary Susan Singhass -- --, 1829 December 0, 1893 Virginia
- Samuel Singhass -- --, 1792 April 12, 1865 Virginia
- George Michael Singhass -- --, 1788 December 0, 1845 Virginia
- Baker Smith Singhass -- --, 1831 April 28, 1904 Virginia
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