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Vogler Family History
Vogler Genealogy & Family TreeVogler is ranked as the 8,093rd most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 2,500.
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Vogler Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Emil Gustave Vogler -- --, 1883 January 6, 1963
- Anna Catharina Barbara Vogler -- --, 1761 August 23, 1842 Maine
- Jakob Vogler -- --, 1734
- Anna Barbara Vogler -- --, 1778 January 14, 1779
- Timotheus Vogler -- --, 1806 January 5, 1896 North Carolina
Vogler Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- David Vogler -- --, 1775 December 0, 1777 Maine
- Catherine (Katharina) Vogler -- --, 1901 January 16, 1976 Lorraine
- Sophia Elizabeth Vogler -- --, 1836 May 16, 1919 Nova Scotia
- Daniel Vogler -- --, 1739
- Christoph Vogler -- --, 1765 December 9, 1827 Maine
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