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Welcher Family History
Welcher Genealogy & Family TreeWelcher is ranked as the 17,930th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 2,500.
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Welcher Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Anna Clara Welcher -- --, 1808 August 28, 1875
- Cynthia Welcher -- --, 1862 December 0, 1920 Michigan
- John Philester Welcher -- --, 1821 July 31, 1905 New York
- Mary Jenny Welcher -- --, 1873 February 5, 1954
- Benny Welcher -- --, 1884 October 16, 1950 Tennessee
Welcher Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- James I. (Moose) Welcher -- --, 1914 November 16, 1989 Indiana
- John Wayne Welcher -- --, 1883 August 19, 1939 Texas
- Manfred P Welcher -- --, 1850 July 22, 1918 New York
- Lon James Welcher -- --, 1883 December 0, 1956
- Opal Naomi Welcher -- --, 1900 October 10, 1977
Celebrities related to this last name
- Stephen Grover "Grover" /Cleveland/ President
- Margaret Mary Emily Anne "Meg" /Hyra "Ryan"/
- Sharon Vonne /Stone/
- Kiefer William Frederick Dempsey George Rufus /Sutherland/
- Christopher /Columbus/
- James Gilmore "Jim" /Backus/
- Thomas Cruise "Tom" /Mapother "Cruise"/
- Brad Douglas /Paisley/
- Celine /Dion/
- Justin Randall /Timberlake/