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Wellmann Family History
Wellmann Genealogy & Family TreeWellmann is ranked as the 44,910th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Wellmann Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Bernd EMPTYNUL Wellmann Emptynul
- Augusta Wellmann -- --, 1902 November 22, 1974 Utah
- Wilhelmina Wellmann -- --, 1839 February 28, 1895
- Marie Sophie Charlotte Wellmann -- --, 1846 September 27, 1888
- Emily Eudora Wellmann -- --, 1907 June 9, 1985 Utah
Wellmann Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- EMPTYNUL EMPTYNUL Wellmann Emptynul
- EMPTYNUL EMPTYNUL Wellmann Emptynul
- Anna Wellmann -- --, 1820 February 14, 1875 Erdely
- Wilhelmine Wellmann -- --, 1847
- Dorothea Maria Wellmann -- --, 1768 February 18, 1816 Niedersachsen (Prussia)
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