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Wendorf Family History
Wendorf Genealogy & Family TreeWendorf is ranked as the 21,142nd most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Wendorf Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Harold William Wendorf -- --, 1912 January 23, 1999 Minnesota
- Earl Wendorf -- --, 1928 October 1, 2000 Illinois
- Christ Wendorf -- --, 1848 January 18, 1923
- Louis EMPTYNUL Wendorf -- --, 1895 February 14, 1970 Minnesota
- Frank Frederick August Wendorf -- --, 1847 November 6, 1926
Wendorf Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Herman M. Wendorf -- --, 1856 December 0, 1913
- Dean E Wendorf -- --, 1927 May 6, 1950
- Hulen D Wendorf -- --, 1916 September 21, 2006 Texas
- Olga A Wendorf -- --, 1891 October 15, 1983 Wisconsin
- Reinhardt Wendorf -- --, 1886 May 3, 1975 Georgia
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