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Wheller Family History
Wheller Genealogy & Family TreeWheller is ranked as the 28,116th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Wheller Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Stella Juanita Wheller -- --, 1933 December 0, 1995
- Elizabeth Wheller -- --, 1604 December 0, 1628
- Elizabeth Wheller -- --, 1604 December 0, 1628
- James Wheller -- --, 1827 March 8, 1850
- Obadiah EMPTYNUL Wheller -- --, 1609 October 27, 1671 Emptynul
Wheller Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Bert Edward Wheller -- --, 1888 December 27, 1951
- Sarah Elizabeth Wheller -- --, 1838 December 10, 1869 Michigan
- Eric John Wheller -- --, 1925 July 25, 1943
- Thomas Wheller -- --, 1621 December 24, 1704
- Solomon Wheller -- --, 1724 December 0, 1785
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