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Whitsett Family History
Whitsett Genealogy & Family TreeWhitsett is ranked as the 11,763rd most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 2,500.
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Whitsett Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Laura Ellen Whitsett -- --, 1853 February 12, 1889 Indiana
- Ellen Whitsett -- --, 1829 December 11, 1905
- Drusilla Whitsett -- --, 1833 December 0, 1861 Pennsylvania
- Finis Thomas Whitsett -- --, 1851 November 4, 1940 Texas
- Marinca Whitsett -- --, 1843 April 22, 1891 Indiana
Whitsett Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Phadelia A. Whitsett -- --, 1841 May 5, 1869 Missouri
- Alfred M Whitsett -- --, 1805 December 0, 1857 North Carolina
- Pearl Whitsett -- --, 1908 December 0, 1997
- John Whitsett -- --, 1709 December 0, 1786
- William Whitsett -- --, 1767 May 9, 1854 Kentucky
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