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Wilshusen Family History
Wilshusen Genealogy & Family TreeWilshusen is ranked as the 66,463rd most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Wilshusen Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Edmund George Wilshusen -- --, 1903 December 0, 1903 Victoria
- Unnamed Male Wilshusen -- --, 1879 December 0, 1879
- Alice Ellen Wilshusen -- --, 1886 December 0, 1955 Victoria
- Elmer C Wilshusen -- --, 1912 June 2, 1991 Nebraska
- Flossie Low Wilshusen -- --, 1907 July 14, 1985 Kansas
Wilshusen Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Thomas Wilshusen -- --, 1888 December 0, 1888 Victoria
- Hannah Wilshusen -- --, 1880 December 0, 1959 Victoria
- Fredrick Karl Wilshusen -- --, 1879 October 31, 1950 Kansas
- Ralph Herman Wilshusen -- --, 1915 April 13, 1976 Nebraska
- Annie Wilshusen -- --, 1884 December 0, 1884 Victoria
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