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Wollesen Family History
Wollesen Genealogy & Family TreeWollesen is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Wollesen Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Anna Magdalena Wollesen -- --, 1891 June 26, 1948
- Dorothea Maria Wollesen -- --, 1770 November 6, 1827
- Dorthy Elizabeth Wollesen -- --, 1922 February 20, 1981
- Thomas Wollesen -- --, 1877 December 0, 1878
- Anna Cathrina Wollesen -- --, 1801 January 8, 1803 SchleswHolstein
Wollesen Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Johanas Dietrich Wollesen -- --, 1832 July 26, 1924
- Lorenz Georg Wollesen -- --, 1896 October 29, 1937
- Christina Margaretha Wollesen -- --, 1887 January 5, 1966
- Hans Wollesen -- --, 1886 May 19, 1956 California
- Hans Wollesen -- --, 1852 May 26, 1904
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