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Zieman Family History
Zieman Genealogy & Family TreeZieman is ranked as the 22,509th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Zieman Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Lois Zieman -- --, 1921 December 10, 1921 Kansas
- Paul Theodore Zieman -- --, 1890 April 9, 1953 Illinois
- Maria Zieman -- --, 1884 December 0, 1951
- Phyllis Jean Zieman -- --, 1927 October 13, 1993 Iowa
- Albert Godfrey Zieman -- --, 1882 May 16, 1965 Iowa
Zieman Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Richard Paul (Rick) Zieman -- --, 1943 June 30, 2004 Iowa
- Lloyd Richard Zieman -- --, 1914 December 0, 1988
- Elizabeth Anna Molly Zieman -- --, 1888 December 0, 1925 Michigan
- Vernon George Zieman -- --, 1907 February 12, 1993 Iowa
- Jason Lee Zieman -- --, 1990 December 0, 1990 North Dakota
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