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Zwickel Family History
Zwickel Genealogy & Family TreeZwickel is ranked as the 0th most common name in the United States. The number of people who have that last name is 0.
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Zwickel Birth Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Eva Maria Zwickel -- --, 1787 December 23, 1835
- Phillip Zwickel -- --, 1863 September 20, 1863
- Regina K Zwickel -- --, 1816 December 26, 1816
- Phillip Zwickel -- --, 1861 January 25, 1863
- Georg Friedrick Zwickel -- --, 1820 June 19, 1899 Germany
Zwickel Death Records
- Name Birth Date Death Date Location
- Maria Margaretha Zwickel -- --, 1778 December 23, 1848
- Karl Zwickel -- --, 1866 December 5, 1956
- Maria Sophia Zwickel -- --, 1775 March 5, 1779
- Luise Zwickel -- --, 1873 June 6, 1874
- Elisabetha Zwickel -- --, 1869 May 26, 1955 Baden-Wuerttemberg