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Are you related to Albert Einstein

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Albert Einstein Genealogy
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Albert Einstein

Known for the theory of relativity and the world's most famous equation (e = mc2), Albert Einstein is the father of modern physics and quantum mechanics. In fact, his name has become synonymous with being intelligent (e.g. "He's a real Einstein."). Born March 14, 1879 in Germany, Einstein was a non-observant Jew who was forced to flee from Nazi Germany when Hitler took power and received asylum in the United States, where he lived out the rest of his life. In 1922 he received the Nobel Peace Prize. He was married twice--Mileva Maric (1903-1919) and Elsa Lowenthal (1919-1936)--and had three children: Lieserl, Hans, and Eduard. He died on April 18, 1955, caused by complications from internal bleeding. His brain was removed for scientific study without permission from his family to study what neurologically made him so intelligent, but no conclusive evidence was ever found.

Albert Einstein's last name, 'Einstein,' is a German/Jewish name from the Middle Ages meaning "to enclose and surround in stone." The original spelling may have been "Einsteinen." The first Einstein of note to arrive in America was H. Einstein in Maryland in 1847.

Last Names of Relatives in Albert Einstein's Family Tree

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Other Celebrities Who May Be Related to Albert Einstein

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